Equine, Sports and Business (ESB) - Animal Husbandry

We started Equus in 2022 as the international study association within Ambrosia for the study unit Equine, Sports and Business (ESB). This study is part of the Animal Husbandry course but everyone is welcome to join us!
We are excited to offer all national and international students with an interest in horses new possibilities to learn, have fun and connect with other people within the equine sector. During the study year we will organize different kinds of activities, some of which will be together with PAS, the Production Animal Study Association. The activities will vary from lectures, yard visits, to an exchange to a college abroad.
The Team

EMily lohrbach
Hi, my name is Emily! I am 19 years old, and will be in my second year of studying Equine, Sports and Business. I am from Canada, and I chose this study due to its marketing and science aspects. I am generally interested in most subjects, but I enjoy learning about learning about the biology of horses and welfare aspects. I am the president of Equus, which means I keep an overview of all meetings and tasks happening within Equus.

Isheeta Mishrra
Hi everyone! I am Isheeta, very glad to be here. Originally I am from India. My main areas of interest include the various aspects involved in increasing equine performance in sporthorses, along with equine confirmation and biomechanics.
My role within EQUUS is Communications. I look forward to interacting with you. Feel free to reach out with any questions, ideas and and topics related to the study, events and/or suggestions.

Wystke van loon
My name is Wytske van Loon and I am a 19 year old, third-year Equine, Sports and Business student.I have 2 horses and 2 ponies at home, of whom three I am rehabilitating. This process is a huge interest of mine, and also what I want to make a career in. I have been educating my horses and myself in the Academie Art of Riding, which is my main focus, aside from showjumping, eventing and liberty work. Within Equus I am the accountant, which means I keep track of the finances.

Lisa prinz
My name is Lisa Prinz and I am a second year Equine, Sports and Business student. I am 24 years old and live in Arnhem, but am originally from northern Germany. My main interest about horses is their health and welfare. Before the studies I worked in a vet clinic where I already learned a lot. Now I would like to deepen the knowledge in the studies. I am a leisure rider with no ambitions to compete. Within Equus, I am responsible for social media, so let me know if you have anything we should show! the secretary

Lily owens slaimani
SociAL media
Hi, I’m Lily! I’m 19 years old and in my second year of Equine, Sports and Business. I’m from all over the place but for now we’ll just say England. As much as I love the health and welfare side of the course, I’m mainly interested in the business side of things. Growing up I’ve had a limited horsey life but that’s why I’m here to pursue a career! In Equus, I’m the Social Media manager which means I handle the designing, posting and engagement of Equus.
Where to find Equus!
Questions about Equus and our activities? Follow us on our social media! Or maybe about joining as a committee member? Contact us through the form or mail us directly. We will get back to you.
Emily Lohrbach
Main contact person